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Accessibility & Inclusivity

For information about parking please click here.



At St. Matthew’s we are committed to making our services and facilities accessible to all members of the local community and beyond. In 2006 the upstairs was extended to raise standards of accessibility and safety and we are continuing to develop the old buildings to further improve accessibility.  Our current policy can be downloaded here and our booklet here.


Below is some information about accessibility and inclusivity at St. Matthew’s. If there is an area which you feel we have not addressed, or have suggestion for improving it, please do get in touch.


Anyone is more than welcome to attend any of our scheduled events, but we will be better able to accommodate your specific needs (i.e. arrange for parking spaces to be reserved, printing large print orders of service, etc) if you contact us in advance and discuss what we can do to help.


For more information, or to discuss visiting St. Matthew’s with particular needs, please contact Lynda Abbey via the church office.



Wheelchair Users

St. Matthew’s Church is easily accessible for wheelchair users. There is free parking in Sherford Road, outside the front of the church, and from here the church, lounge and toilets can be accessed. The car park at the rear of the church gives wheelchair access to the Lower Hall, although from here, the toilets on the upper floor are only accessible via a staircase.


Wheelchair users are more than welcome to turn up at any of our events, but we will be better able to accommodate your specific needs (i.e. arrange for parking spaces to be reserved) if you contact us in advance and discuss what we can do to help.



Hearing Aid Users

The main church at St. Matthew’s is fitting with a hearing aid induction loop which is used to relay all spoken elements of all services.



Visually Impaired Visitors

During the 10:30 services, all elements of the service which involve congregational participation are normally displayed  projection screen at the front of the church.


During our early morning traditional services, songs and spoken elements are read from the Hymn Books and the Book of Common Prayer. These contain small print and can be hard to read, but a large print version of the Book of Common Prayer text is available from the sidespeople. If you would like the hymns to be copied into large print, please let us know in advance and we will be happy to arrange this. 



Visitors with Learning Disabilities

If you have a child with a learning disability who would like to attend any of the activities for young people at St. Matthew’s, we are committed to working with you to ensure that they are fully included. If you would like to discuss your child’s particular requirements, please contact Lynda Abbey via the church office, who will be happy to talk to you, and also to discuss with you and the relevant group leader how to make you child’s experience as good as possible.


If you are an adult with a learning disability, you are welcome to join in any of our activities.

If you would like to talk about how you can be included, again please contact Lynda Abbey.



Cultures, Beliefs & Lifestyle

Everyone is welcome to join us at St Matthew's for our services, whatever their culture, beliefs of lifestyle. Whether you wish to join in with the worship and engagement with God's Word, or to simply sit and observe, we will do all we can to help you have a positive time with us.



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Accessible & Inclusive
Click here for details

"The road is narrow that leads to life, and those who find it are few..."


(Matthew 7:14)

St. Matthew's Church

Sherford Road





T: 01752 547 226


@2019-24 by St Matthew's Church. 

St Matthew's Church does not collect or use any data from its website visitors.

Our privacy policy is available here.



Our parish safeguarding representative is Alan Hart. If you have any concerns about the welfare of any young people or vulnerable adults, you can contact Alan via:, or the diocesan safeguarding team. For more information please click here. If something has happened or is happening to you, you can also call The Samaritans on 116 123 (from anywhere in the UK).

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